President-elect Donald J Trump on Wednesday in New York held a news conference for the first time in six months.
Trump's News Conference: 10 Key Moments
Pushback on a leaked intelligene report, sharp words for CNN and a new appointee for the Department of Veteran Affairs. -
Trump Will Cede Control, but Not Divest Stake in Business
by Susanne Craig and Eric Lipton 7:10 PM ET
Mr. Trump plans to turn over his business operations to a trust controlled by his two oldest sons, a solution said to be wholly inadequate by the government's top ethics monitor. 872 Comments
The 45th President
'I Think It Was Russia,' Trump Says of D.N.C. Hacking
By Julie HirschField Davis and Maggie Haberman 2:58 PM ET
President-elect Donald J. Trump conceded for the first time that Russia had carried out cyberattacks during the presidential election.
But Mr. Trump sidestepped repeated questions about whether he or anyone in his team had contact with Russia during the campaign.
Confirmation Highlights
Rubio Aggressively Questions Tillerson on Russia
By Matt Flegenheimer, David E Ganger and Emmarie Heutteman 6:34 PM ET
"Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?" Marco Rubio ...sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam